27 DECEMBER 1924, page 7

The Slum And The Emergency House [to The Editor Of

the SPECTATOR.] think that the letter which appeared in your issue of December 6th, over the signature of J. W. Scott, University College, Cardiff, is deserving of very careful......

The Infancy Of Jesus

A S soon as the story of the Gospels had lost its first appeal of newness and wonder, the early Christians began to long for more details of the life of Christ. It was His......

[to The Editor Of The Scrx-r.txon.] Sirs I Wish To

express my hearty thanks for your strong advocacy of Smoke Abatement. Living here in Newentle, the need for it is apparent every day. On damp days (i.e., nearly every day) one......

Letters To The Editor

SMOKE ABATEMENT [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] am glad to see that you are once more taking up the subject of Smoke Abatement. This Society has had con- siderable experience......

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