SMOKE ABATEMENT [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] am glad to see that you are once more taking up the subject of Smoke Abatement. This Society has had con- siderable experience in the care of public gardens in Birming- ham, and we also give attention to the question of the preservation of old buildings. Gardening in such a place as Birmingham is very. much handicapped by the fact that there arc only a comparatively small number of trees, flowers and bushes that can be grown in a smoky atmosphere and a sulphur- poisoned soil. Our policy is, for instance, to use hedges as far as possible as the boundaries to public gardens here, and it would be much easier to be successful in this were it not for the smoky atmosphere which so greatly retards and emaciates any bushes that may be put in.—I am, Sir, &c., WILLIAM I lAy WOOD,
lion. Secretary, The Birmingham Civic Society.