News Of The Week
W E suppose that the Government has good reasons for the Manner in - which it has handled the qUestion of the evacuation of Cologne. We do not, however, know what they are, and......
Now The French Would Find No Legal Difficulty In Doing
this, because they have all along maintained that they were not bound by the dates set. out in the Versailles Treaty since . that . Treaty had been . violated by Ge r - many.......
The Alternative To This Policy Is, Of Course, Simple. It
appears that there was no doubt that if we had approached the German Government in a friendly spirit it would have willingly agreed to our remaining in Cologne until next August......
This Inopportune Cologne Transaction Has Coincided With...
the German political parties to form a new Government. The result has been to strengthen the hands of those parties which make it their basic principle that it is useless to......
The Commission 'of' Investigation . Which Was Sent By The
General" COMieil o f the TiradeS UniOn Congress to examine conditions in Russia have returned to London and their Report may be expected in a few weeks. In the meantime Mr.......
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