Richard Parkes Bonington ; His Life And Work. By A.
Dubuisson. (The Bodley Head. 63s. net.) WHEN he had just begun to collect material for a biography of Richard Parkes Bonington (the English-born artist who lived most of his......
MOLL FLANDERS The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the FtemOus Moll Flanders. By Daniel Defoe. With an introduction by Carl Van Doren. (Grant Richards. I2s. 6d. not.) DEF0E was the......
The True Traveller
ONE phase of the personality of Herman Melville. has been obscured by his great book, Moby Dick, which has hidden from inany readers the lesser but more sociable qualities of......
Notable Books
HESKETH PRICHARD, D.S.O., M.C. : A Mermir. By Eric Parker. (T. Fisher Unwin. l5s.) HESKETII PRICHARD was a perfect example of an English patrician. He stood six feet four inches......