Mr. Milner Gibson addressed his constituents at Ashton on Tuesday,
upon Jamaica and Reform. Upon Jamaica he had nothing to say except that the proceedings there were very dreadful, and that he had no doubt the inquiry would be fair, but upon Reform he spoke tit some length. He let out no secrets of course, but stated that the proportion of electors to adult males was precisely the same in 1865 that it had been in 1832, viz., one in five, although the increase in wealth and intelligence has been so great. The Government intended, therefore, to give " electoral privileges to a fair proportion of the upper working class," something short of household suffrage which " is not a plan likely to be submitted." The general drift of his remarks was, that Government were trying to fratite a Bill which should considerably increase the electoral register, but should meet with as little opposition as possible,—a feeble policy, and one which, as we have endeavoured to show elsewhere, has in it no element of success.