Mr. Bright Has Been Reading His American Friends A Much
needed lesson on Free Trade, but remarks, very erroneously we think, " Happily for the Americans this question of Free Trade is not mixed up, as ours was, with a great political......
The Winsor Case Has Ended In A Formal Decision That
a trial .in which a jury was discharged did not amount to an acquittal. The wretched woman who, it will be remembered, was found guilty of murdering babies for hire, is......
Professor Blackie Has Written A Letter To The Editor Of
the Scotsman against democracy, but in favour of a fair and full representation of the working classes, reiterating with great ability many of the arguments with which our......
The Prussian Court Really Does Govern Most Economically....
large army, and immense militia behind it, the budget for 1855 still shows an expenditure of only 23,500,000/., or little more than 23s. per head on the population. That of......
The Story Which Has Been Told That One Of The
officers in Jamaica set his men to practise with their rifles at 400 yards at a condemned prisoner, is so far believed here that we understand Sir Henry Storks had special......
S. Scialoja Has Also Produced The Italian Budget, Which Is
far less satisfactory. After he has increased the reductions by 400,0001. the expenditure will still be nearly 37,000,0001., and after the new taxes are sanctioned there will......
The Cattle-plague Return Is Still Bad, 10,041 Seizures In...
week against 9,243 in the previous one, but the recoveries have risen from 10 to above 11 per cent. A mass of evidence is being published,. proving that vaccination when once......
It Seems Probable That We Are At This Moment At
war with Bootan. The latest date for the surrender of the two Armstrong guns was the 10th inst., and if they had been surrendered the In lift House world have received and......
Mr. Villiers Has Proposed To All Boards Of Guardians In
London that the police shall be appointed assistant-relieving officers. Any casual who wants relief must apply to a policeman, who will be able to tell whether he is really......
The Day, News Of Yesterday Publishes A Remarkable Letter...
a negro clergyman of Kingston, Jamaica, and the head of Weimer's Grammar School, a Mr. Robert Gordon. This gentle- man asserts that he is himself profoundly loyal, and believes......
Supposing Commerce And Population To Increase In London...
next fifty years as they have for the last fifty, what will be the value of the City proper per square foot ? The little piece of land at the corner of Lombard Street, a site......