The Heavenly Father. Lectures On Modern Atheism. By...
Translated from the French by H. Downton, M.A., English Chaplain at Geneva.-31. Neale is a master of declamation and sar- casm, and we are not surprised to hear that his......
Celebrated Naval And Military Trials. By Peter Burke,...
(Allen.)—Mr. Burke has collected some interesting matter in this book. He gives a dozen of these trials, and it is convenient to have, in a handy volume, the proceedings......
Ittaa From London To The Land's End And Back. With
Illustrations. By Elihu Berri& (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—We can forgive this genial critic some slight inaccuracies in English history, and just the least tendency at......
Discourses. By Rev. Robert Ainslie. (longman; Treaoher,...
really welcome this volume of sermons, delivered in a Dissenting pulpit. There is a breadth of charity and an appreciation of the essence of Christianity that we do not often......
The Sham Squire And The Informers Of 1798. By W.
J. Fitzpatrick, J.P. (Hotten.)—This rambling and disconnected volume contains a good deal of curious information about the lamentable incidents and infamous people that......
Pen And Pencil Pictures From The Poets. Illustrated....
takes an average place amongst the productions of the season. Its outside of brown and gold is well adapted for the drawing-room table, and amongst the very numerous......