ITTaa from London to the Land's End and Back. With
Illustrations. By Elihu Berri& (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—We can forgive this genial critic some slight inaccuracies in English history, and just the least tendency at times to fine writing after the American fashion. If he has added a crime to King Harry's list, already "long enough to bang a common sinner," in taking off Jane Seymour's head, he has made compensation by bestowing on the lady ".virtues enough to make a saint," which we never heard of before; and his ambitious phrases, such as "tomb-fonts" and "home-stars," are few and far between. Gene- rally he writes sensibly and with just the amount of friendliness that Englishmen most appreciate, the friendliness that arises from a recog- nition of relationship in ancestry, in temperament, and in aim. The leading motive of this, as of his previous "Walk," was, it seems, to see and note the agricultural system, aspects, and industries of this country, and to collect information that might be useful to American farmers ; he has certainly adhered to this design, and in the chapter on the Wilt- shire labourers discusses the subject of wages in a way that is well worthy of the attention of the employers of labour in those parts ; but he by no moans confines himself to these topics. He writes pleasantly about the old towns and their historical associations, the cathedrals, the baronial mansions and parks, and even the legends, such as that of the Glastenbuu thorn. As he is satisfied with the people that he has visited, having "never experienced any disagreeable treatment, nor boon subjected to any inconvenience worth mentioning," though he has "measured the length of the island and doubled it half way back on foot," so are we with our visitor. We recognize the judgment and the kindliness with which he has observed us, and we cordially recommend the perusal of his volume.