Mr. Milner Gibson Addressed His Constituents At Ashton On...
upon Jamaica and Reform. Upon Jamaica he had nothing to say except that the proceedings there were very dreadful, and that he had no doubt the inquiry would be fair, but upon......
Lady Palmerston Has Been Offered By The Queen A Peerage
in her own right, with remainder to her son, the Right Hon. W. Cowper. But Lady Palmerston has declined the offer ;--she is content with the honour of being Lord Palmerston's......
News Of Tine Week.
THE Emperor of the French opened the session of his Chambers on Monday, in a speech slightly more diluted and less forcible than usual. It was ou the whole peaceful in tone,......
It Seems Probable That We Are At This Moment At
war with Bootan. The latest date for the surrender of the two Armstrong guns was the 10th inst., and if they had been surrendered the In lift House world have received and......
A Great Deal Of Correspondence Between France And America...
Mexico has been published this week, and the general drift of it is this. The Government of Washington persists in applying to that of Paris for the redress of Mexican......
Prince Christian Of Schleswig-holstein, Who Is Going To...
Princess Helena, seems to have very good antecedents. He served gallantly in the Schleswig-Holstein campaigns of 1848, 1849; and 1850, though only seventeen when the war began,......
Earl Russell Gave Some Hope To A Huddersfield Deputation...
visited him yesterday week on the Reform question, that the Cabinet might bring in a complete measure, and not deal only with the franchise. The Government, he said, had not at......
The Insurrection In Spain Appears To Be Finally At An
end. General Prim, finding that the army did not join him and the Progressistas did not rise, crossed the frontiers to Portugal, and will take refuge in Paris. The emeute has......