Counsel for the Young. Extracts from the Letters of Mandell
Creighton, D.D. (Longmans and Co. 2s. 6d. net.) —Mrs. Creighton's introduction is a pleasant sketch of her husband's ways with young people, ways always marked by kindliness and wisdom. The extracts illustrate admirably what she tells us. Never was there a more shrewd observer of character or a more sagacious counsellor. Of course, the writer is now and then paradoxical ; if it had not been so, we should have been inclined to suspect their genuineness. "It seems to me," he says on p. 44, "aft things which are beautiful are good; there can be no distinction —a lovely woman painted must always do men good, but call her a Madonna and one is lost." This little book is a treasure-house of wise and witty things.