[to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator:]
SIR,—May I be allowed to modify in some slight details your abstract of the proposition contained in my letter of the 20th inst., as follows P- (1) What I suggested was that a......
Fundamental Christianity And The Education Question.
[TO TILE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR:1 Sig,—May I add myself as one more to plead in your columns for the only solution of the religious question in elementary schools which will......
Boer Heroism At Elandslaagte.
LTG VIII EDITOR OF TUN "EIPEOPLTOR.1 SIR,—In your issue of November 11th, 1905, there appears a letter headed "Boer Heroism at Elandslaagte," and signed J. S. Trotter (Pm-Boer),......
Anglican Intolerance.
[TO PEE EDTIOR OP TEE "8Prorwroe.."1 SIR,—Will you allow me, as a Church of England clergyman, to endorse the general contention of the Rev. Bernard Snell (Spectator, January......
The Transvaal Chamber Of Mines' Memo- Randum And Chinese...
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.1 Sin,—" Delta" in his letter in last week's Spectator on the subject of Chinese labour gives figures showing that the proportion of labourers......