Wings And Spurs, Arranged By L. H. M. Soulsby (longmans
and Co., Is. net), is a collection of quotations, one for every day of the year, from Dante, Emerson, Browning, Wordsworth, Sir A. Helps, George Macdonald, George Eliot, R. L.......
Au Abroad. By B. A. Clarke. (ward, Lock, And Co.
3s. 6d.) -The notion of how the three friends whose travels are here related came to travel is humorous in its way, and may serve as a sample. A certain magazine offered prizes......
Studies From Court And Cloister. By J. M. Stone. (sands
and Co. 12s. 6d.)—Miss Stone reprints from the Month, Blackwood, and other periodicals thirteen papers, some of them archaeo- logical, others controversial. It is natural that......
The Complete Poetical Works Of William Cowper. Edited By H.
S. Milford, M.A. (Henry Frowde. 2s.)-This "Oxford Edition" is one of a series so excellent and so low-priced that it deserves all the encouragement which can be given to it. Mr.......