Herman Merivale.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—May I, as a lifelong friend of the late Herman Merivale, send you a few lines in tribute to his memory ? I knew him first, intimately,......
The Missionary Of Defeat: Mr. Chamber- Lain And The...
[TO THE ED1TOR OV THE "SPECTITOFt.1 SIE, — The London journals which support the Opposition argue that the Tariff policy has been defeated because the facts of Mr. Chamberlain's......
Sir Moitntstuart Grant Duff.
[To THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—May I say, with reference to your sympathetic paragraph on the late Sir M. E. Grant Duff in last week's Spectator, that he was hardly so......
The Transvaal Chamber Of Mines' Memo- Randum And Chinese...
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.1 Sin,—" Delta" in his letter in last week's Spectator on the subject of Chinese labour gives figures showing that the proportion of labourers......