[TO THE ED1TOR OV THE "SPECTITOFt.1 SIE,—The London journals which support the Opposition argue that the Tariff policy has been defeated because the facts of Mr. Chamberlain's proposals have not been clearly placed before the electors. In particular, they blame the local organisers of the "Tory party for not educating the 'agricultural labourers in the beauties of the new doctrines. It may be useful, therefore, to make a note of the precise effect of Mr. Chamberlain's own mission of education through- out the country since he left Mr. Balfour's Cabinet with Mr. Balfour's blessing. I had the privilege of hearing most of the speeches he delivered, and witnessing the splendid organisa- tion which characterised all the meetings. The applause was perfect, and hostility non-existent. Now for the practical result to the party :-
• Previous • Representation. Glasgow '7 Unionists 15 Liberal Gains t 2 F.-T. Unionists
Greenock 1 Unionist 1 Liberal Gain Newcastle 2 Unionists •f 1 Liberal Gain
11 Labour Gain
Tynemouth 1 Unionist 1 Liberal Gain
5 8 Unionists t ç Liberal Gains Liverpool 1 Nationalist I t 1 R-T. Unionist Cardiff and New- 14 Unionists in All four seats won port t Wales 5 by Liberals 2 Liberal Gains Leeds 12 Unionists t 3 Liberals ) i Mr. G. Balfour beaten ( Liberal maj. incr. ) Biggleswade and Bedford won by ( Liberals
2 Liberal Gains 1 Liberal Gain 11 Liberal Gain t Also Mile End, &c. At Birmingham, of course, Mr. Chamberlain kept the citadel inviolate. But the fatal influence of his oratory is seen when- ever he goes outside. He went down to Nuneaton before the poll, and the seat fell to the Liberals. He went to Wellington, Shropshire, to support the Unionist candidate, and again a seat was gained to Liberalism and Free-trade. As a Free- trader, I hope Mr. Chamberlain will persevere.—I am, Sir, &c., C. A.
Election Results.
Luton, Beds. 1 Liberal Preston 2 Unionists Gainsborough 1 Unionist
Limehonse 1 Unionist