Personal Studies. By Henry Scott Holland. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and
Co. 6s.) —These twenty-four sketches have already appeared in print, and are probably known to many of our readers. We have no intention of criticising them. Let it suffice to say that they are fully equal to the author's reputation as one who has a neat gift of saying what he means and saying it with point and brilliancy. We do not always find ourselves in agreement with the writer, but we recognise the broad and sympathetic view which he takes of persons and things. One observation we would make. We read that a certain witticism—doubtless very indiscreet—" lost [Bishop Creighton] St. Peter's, London Docks." Are we to understand that a priest of the "Catholic Party," to use Canon Scott Holland's favourite phrase, gave up his allegiance to his Bishop because of a witticism ? What would Ignatius have said to this ? It shows how curiously near the most vehement of Episcopalians are to the principles of Independency.