Reminiscences of Many Lands. By a Nomad. (H. J. Drane.
6s.)—The " Nomad's " reminiscences are in three parts. The first is entitled "A Voyage to the Orient," and includes recollections of the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal, Aden, Penang (it was at Penang, or rather at some place reached from Penang, that he killed a baboon and was sorry for it), Singapore, the Philip- pines, &c. The account of the Philippines does not make one regret the expulsion of the Spaniards. Perhaps it was necessary to put the " Katipunans" to death—this was a secret society, each member of which pledged himself to kill two Spaniards annually—but that Spanish ladies should have made it an after- noon's amusement to witness the executions is more than suffi- ciently shocking. Part II. gives us experiences in the Boor War, Part III. takes us to India, and the volume concludes with a miscellaneous collection of notes. " Nomad " has something to say, and, as long as he keeps clear of things that are too high for him, is worth reading.