We are delighted to find in the Daily Mail of
Thursday a leading article protesting strongly against the monstrous • threats in regard to secession which have been indulged in by a certain section in the Transvaal, and have found encourage- ment in the pages of the Daily Telegraph. "We are sorry to observe," says the Daily Mail, " that our contemporary has been imposed upon by the astute Smith African financiers As for the threats of cutting the painter,' they are not at all likely to proceed from loyal British citizens in South Africa, as has been suggested by the Daily Telegraph. They are far more likely to have originated from what are known as the great mining houses,' who in the past have too often proved themselves to be indifferent to British public opinion." All such threats the Government will, We feel sure, treat with contempt. They have laid down just and sound principles on which the question of Chinese labour is to be settled, and they will, we trust, persist in carrying them out.