27 JULY 1918, Page 13


THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A large number of clergy of the Southwark Diocese have recently left their parishes to join the Forces or to undertake war service of other kinds. We have willingly and gladly let them go. At the same time we are bound to realize that the future of the country will depend largely upon the home conditions to which the men will return at the end of the war, and we cannot face without anxiety the prospect of a diminution in the spiritual, educational, and social activities of our parishes in South London. I am therefore appealing for the services of educated women who will volunteer to undertake such work as they can suitably per- form in the place of the clergy who are on active service. This might include the management of Boys' Clubs, the conduct of Children's or Intercession Services, the taking of Bible Classes for men or women and of Confirmation Classes, the supervision of Relief work, Care Committees and other forms of social work. Any women who are willing to devote the whole or a portion of their time to this work of truly national importance are asked I. send their names to Mrs. Bardsley, Greyladies, Blackheath Hill. stating the kind of work they, would prefer and whether they desire a salaried or an honorary post. It is not anticipated that the necessary arrangements could be made for their commencing work earlier than September.—I am, Sir, dc.,

Bishop's House, Kennington Park, S.E.