Domestic Service.
[To THE ED/TOR OF THE" SPECTATOR.") &n,—Naturally, the letters in your last numbers have deeply interested me, for many years of experience both as a mistress and a country......
The Boys' Brigade.
(To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—At no time has the welfare and training of our boys claimed more seriously the attention of our nation than at the present day. Many and......
American History For Schoolchildren. [to The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR.") Sia,—Having read your suggestion that we should have a new history of the United States for our schoolchildren, I remembered a most delightful one, already written,......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR,—I hope I am not too late with my contribution towards the interesting discussion going on just now in your paper. I refer to the letters on domestic servants. May I, as one......
Interested In It.—i Am, Sir, Sze., A. W. Macilwaine.
North Ferriby. --- " Did 'you ever read in the paper that dogs know the noise of a German aeroplane from one of ours ? I have read it and thought it nonsense. Well, I think......
[to The Editor Of The " Speciitor."1
Sia,—Will you kindly allow a domestic of thirty-two years' experi- ence to say a word in answer to "Dissatisfied Servant" P My experience has been, instead of domestic service......
[to The Editor Of Tar " Speotator."1 Sir,—i Have Read
with interest the correspondence in your columns on domestic service, and have discussed it with bachelor friends who have houses of their own. I find that they are not aware of......