27 JULY 1918, Page 13



Sia,—At no time has the welfare and training of our boys claimed more seriously the attention of our nation than at the present day. Many and varied organizations are, with more or less success, endeavouring to grapple with the problem. Amongst these the Boys' Brigade, the pioneer of all such institutions, has perhaps the most successfully, though unostentatiously, carried on its work of training hops in the duties of true citizenship. "-The promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect" has always been its object, which it has sought to attain by means of Bible class, drill, physical training, and athletics of all kinds, thus appealing to and dealing with every aspect of boy nature. It has now received official recognition as a 'Cadet organization. All who have been brought in touch with its work bear witness to its value and success.

In relation to the war, a most distinguished General has said : "The Boys' Brigade has done an immense amount for the country, and the whole nation owed it a deep debt of gratitude. Without it, it would have been most difficult to have found the non-commissioned officers to train our new armies for the front." Its members, in addition to gaining very rapid promotion, have won many decorations, including nine V.C.'s. The Boys' Brigade has not previously made any general public appeal, having hitherto been mainly supported by a limited circle of friends and the subscriptions of officers and boys, but it is felt that the time has now come for a great extension of the movement in London and the Home Counties, and the London Council has decided to raise a sum of 425,000 for this purpose, and for the provision of equipment. There must be many anxious to do something for the youth of our land—England's future citizens—who will welcome this opportunity of responding to this appeal. Subscrip- tions or donations to the London Extension Fund should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, at 34 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. 4.— On behalf of the London Council, The Boys' Brigade, we are, Sir, &C., WILLIAM R. ROBERTSON, K.C1B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O.

(Hon. Vice-President, The Boys' Brigade).

Rem M. MOODY (Major-General, retired) (President, The London Council, The Boys' Brigade). CHAS. WAKEFIELD, Alderman (Hon. Vice-President, The London Council, The Boys' Brigade). A. F. BUXTON (Hon. Treasurer, The London Council).