There Has Been A Great Deal Of Discussion In The
Press about the probability of a General Election in the autumn. The discussion has revolved round a leading article in the Times which called upon the Government to frame a new......
But We Sincerely Hope That The Government Will Not Act
upon the advice that they should adopt a programme which would assuredly revive Party strife in a bad form. Unity is wanted, not dissension ; concentration on the conduct of the......
At Present The Party Truce Has Been Virtually Ended In
many constituencies ; in some, Liberals are opposing Unionists, though both happen to be supporters of the Government ; and round the battleground of these primary contests all......
We Desire To Make A Particular Appeal To Unionists To
do one thing before the adjournment of Parliament ; that is, to insist that the Government shall give a clear and definite pledge that if voluntary recruiting breaks down in......
Lord Lee Of Fareham Has Resigned His Position As Director-
General of Food Production owing to the reversal of the Govern- ment's policy of increasing the area of arable land. In the discussion of Lord Lee's resignation there seems• to......
One Sign Of Firmness And Clear Thinking On The Part
of the Prima Minister is to be heartily welcomed. The papers of Wednesday published a letter from Mr. Lloyd George to a correspondent in which he defended Sir George Cave in......
It Seems Likely, However, That The Rift Which Has Been
appearing lately between the Northcliffe Press and the Prime Minister may become wider, since Sir George Cave has been a peculiar object of attack from that part of the Press.......
Every Farmer Knows That It Pays Better To Cultivate A
smaller piece of land adequately than to try to work a larger piece which cannot be thoroughly cleaned or fertilized. But the recognition of this fact implies no reversal of the......
The Enemy Submarines, Which Seem To Be Concentrating...
on a few large vessels, last week torpedoed and sank threa big steamers, outward bound. The White Star liner Justicia,' a magnificent new vessel of :‘ 2,000 tons, which had just......
'-boats Have Again Appeared Off The American Coast. Mines...
by them are said to have caused the loss of the American cruiser San Diego,' which sank off Fire Island on Saturday last. All but eight out of the largo crew were saved. Last......
The Issue Has Been A Good Deal Complicated By Complaint.,
often only too well founded, that the wrong sort of grassland has been brought under the plough. To plough up rich old pasture when the inferior or middling grasslands are still......
British Airmen, Ascending From Warships Detached From The...
made a raid on Friday week on the Zeppelin sheds at Tondem in Schleswig. One large shed was destroyed by Captain Dixon and another was hit by Captain Smart. The Danish papers......
The Admiralty Return For June Shows That The Total Losses
of merchant tonnage from all causes were the smallest recorded for an3r_month since September, 1916. Of British shipping 161,062 tons were sunk, and of Allied and neutral......