The enemy submarines, which seem to be concentrating their attention
on a few large vessels, last week torpedoed and sank threa big steamers, outward bound. The White Star liner Justicia,' a magnificent new vessel of :‘ 2,000 tons, which had just brought six thousand American troops to Europe, was sunk on Saturday last off the North coast of Ireland, after repeated torpedo attacks which began on Friday afternoon and were continued through the night. The ship was thrice hit, but floated for twenty-four hours. All but eleven of the large crew were saved by the patrols. The Cunarder Carpathia,' of 13,600 tons, was sunk in the Atlantic west of Ireland on Wednesday week, after being thrice torpedoed. All but five of the crew were saved in their boats. On the previous Monday the transport Bartmga,' formerly a German vessel, was sunk. She was carrying invalid Australian soldiers. Fortunately all on board were rescued. The Admiralty has announced that, by a happy coincidence, H.M.S. 'Marne' sank an enemy submarine on Saturday last, when the French and American troops were driving the enemy across the Marne.