[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1 Sir, — It Would Be
a monstrous wrong to India and to the rest of the great British Commonwealth to introduce radical changes in the Government of India without full and free consideration. I agree......
India After The War.
(To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—It is perhaps as inevitable as it is certainly to be regretted that, in India as in Ireland, those in authority seem to find it a more......
" The New Baltic State."
[To no EDITOR OW THE " SPEOTATOR."3 SIR,—In common, I believe, with all other students of East European politics, I welcomed Dr. Antonius nip's residence in London, if for no......
[to The Editor Op Thz " Spectator.") Shl—from One Point
of view, Mr. Montagu's Report - is a very notable and dexterous performance. It is the work of a trained and able politician, dealing with the aspirations -and ambitions of......