At present the Party truce has been virtually ended in
many constituencies ; in some, Liberals are opposing Unionists, though both happen to be supporters of the Government ; and round the battleground of these primary contests all kinds of wild Dervishes are skirmishing with the hope of getting in owing to the misfortunes of their most powerful opponents. It is one of the ironies of our domestic politics that many Members of Parliament should be
lamenting this state of affairs although by rejecting both Propor- tional Representation and the Alternative Vote Parliament has made it possible for Dervishes to win a seat by virtue of a compara- tively small vote.. It would be a calamity if the result of a General Election were te seem to proclaim to the world that Great Britain was divided about the conduct of' the war. Nothing could be less true. But if this calamity is to be averted the Government Mat make up their mind quickly how they are going to avoid all the shoals which are appearing in the political tideway.