SIE,—I do not know if the following would be of any use to your
correspondent, but I have never found it fail to interest little children in their first prayers :— " Two little eyes to look unto God, Two little ears to hear His Word, Two little feet to walk in His Way,
Two little hands at HIS work every day.
One little tongue to speak His praise,
One little heart to love Him always— Take them, 0 Lord, and let them be
Always obedient and true to Thee."
The child stands to repeat them, 'pointing with both hands to eyes, ears, and feet in turn during the first three lines; extending the hands at the fourth line; folding them on the breast during the next two lines; and clasping them together for the petition "Take
them, 0 Lord," to the end.—I am, Sir, &c., A MOTHER.