READABLE NOVELL—Sands of Gold. By Kathlyn Rhodes. (Hutchinson and Co,
6s.)—The hero of this story ii the assistant. doctor of a private lunatic asylum on the edge of the Desert near Cairo. The theme is rather thin, but the author is successful in con-. veying the charm of the Desert to her readers.---Jacqueline. By John Ayscough. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—Readers of "John Ayseough's " novels will welcome the quiet humour which illu- minates this story. The heroine is almost too impulsively self- willed to be interesting, and believers in the theory that madness is hereditary will be a little startled by the author's complaisant forecast of the probability of the heroine's second marriage after the war.
• The Fire of Green Dotighs. By Mrs. Victor Rickard. Loudon: Duckworth. [6s. act.]