Grow Your Own Vegetables. By Stanley C. Johnson, D.Sc., F.R.E.S.
(T. Fisher Unwin. Gs.)—An exhaustive study of veget- able culture which gives information on every conceivable nspect of the subject, from the choice of tools to "Hints for Exhibitors." There are a number of illustrations, including a fascinating diagram showing how the ideal ten-rod plot should be planted ; and a useful calendar of operations. Many war" allottees," we imagine, began work with the firm conviction that all birds and insects were enemies. It will be a relief to the sensitive allotment-holder to be told on Dr. Stanley Johnson's authority that, on the contrary, many of them are his friends, that the charming ladybird may be encourawd with impunity, that he need no longer regard the blackbird and the thrush with suspicion, and that his "Hymn of Hate" may be abandoned even with regard to that creature of shady reputation, the sparrow