Public Finance. By C. F. Beatable. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. (Macmillan and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—It would be difficult to exaggerate the service rendered by Professor Bastable to all those who are practically engaged in the administration of the national or local finances by the publication of his great work. Previous to its appearance a few years ago, England, which had led the world in practical economics, was singularly poor in financial literature. This reproach has now been wiped out. The book is so well known for its comprehensive treatment and sound views that few words of ours are needed to recommend the third edition to the public. Professor Beatable in his preface remarks on the grave problem presented for the future by the growth of public expenditure, and the consequent heavier tax burden. As he justly says, no readjustment of taxes can provide an escape from the result, and he deprecates as hazardous in the extreme any great extension of such experiments as the Coal and Corn Duties. "The great difficulty to be overcome is not the weakness of Ministers, but negligence and want of knowledge on the part of the mass of the community." This difficulty can only be met by the efforts of teachers like Professor Bastable and others who follow in his footsteps.