Dramatic Criticisms. By J. T. Grein. (greening And Co. 3s.
6d.) —Mr. Grein publishes a third volume of his Dramatic Criticisms. We have no intention of reviewing them. But let any one go through the volume, not to see whether Mr.......
Industrial Conciliation. (g. P. Putnam's Sons....
invited interference of an outside judgment ; concilia- tion is the effort made by parties interested in the dispute to arrive at some middle term which may be acceptable to......
Exmoor Streams. By Claude F. Wade. (chatto And Windus. 5s.
net.)—Mr. Wade frankly confesses that if he had expected to fish much more for Devonshire trout, he might have hesitated to give these "tips." As it is, he feels himself growing......
Life At West Point. By H. Irving Hancock. (g. P.
Pntnam's Sons. 6s. net.)—Mr. Hancock offers to the leaders of his book a certificate of competence from the Superintendent of the Military Academy. He has seen West Point......
La Bruyare And Vauvenargues. Translated, With...
by Elizabeth Lee. (A. Constable and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Every one may be supposed to have made up his mind as to the merits of La Bruyere ; fewer readers have made the......
The Coronation Order Of King James I. Edited By J.
Wickham Legg, F.R.C.P. (F. Robinson and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Legg gives us a very interesting introduction to this volume, helping to make it one of the most noteworthy of the......
St. Nicholas. (macmillan And Co. 7s. 6d.)—this Volume Is...
calculated to enhance the reputation of St. Nicholas, with its excellent stories and the number and variety of illustra- tions. One can heartily commend the Nature and science......
Home Life Under The Stuarts.
Home Life under the Stuarts. By Elizabeth Godfrey. (Grant Richards. 12s. 6d. net.)—This is a volume of which we can say that it is nothing less than deli g htful. Mrs. Godfrey......
The New Home. By Mrs. C. S. Peel. (a. Constable
and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Mrs. Peel prefixes to this second edition of her very useful book a new introduction, in which she insists on several principles of house arrangement,......
With The Eyes Of Youth, And Other Sketches. By William
Black. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 55. net.)—Here we have a gleaning of Mr. Black's work, with nothing very important in it, but yet with much that is interesting and......
The Story Of The Bank Of England. By Henry Warren.
(Jordan and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Warren explains many things which will have been more or less obscure to some of his readers. But he does not explain everything. The "......
We Welcome An Edition Of The Pilgrim's Progress Published At
Guildford (A. C. Curtis, 5s.) It seems likely that many of the scenes in the book were suggested to Bunyan by the neighbour- hood of that town, for he lived there for a time.......