The Impeachment And Trial Of Andrew Johnson. By David Miller
Dewitt. (Macmillan and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)-This is a full, and, one mi g ht even say, exhaustive, account of an important event in American politics. An En g lish reviewer must......
How To Enforce Payment Of Debt, By A "lawyer" (grant
Richards, 2s.), is one of the " How to " Series. " Lawyer" does not pretend to tell a lay person how to conduct a defended action. He justly remarks that in most cases a debtor......
The Society For Psychical Research. By Edward T. Bennett....
Johnson. ls.)-Mr. Bennett g ives an interestin g account of the objects of the Society, illustratin g what he says by some remarkable extracts from the testimony which it has......
Songs From The Novels Of Thomas Love Peacock. (brimley John-
son. 2s. 6d.)-To collect Peacock's son g s into a little volume was well worth doin g , and we take it as an additional attraction that there is no introduction or preface by a......