Insurance And Crime.
Insurance and Crime. By Alexander Colin Campbell. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 10s. 641. net.)—Mr. Campbell brin g s a formidable indictment a g ainst the practice of insurance. He......
The First Prayer Book Of King Edward Vi.
The First Prayer Book of King Edward VI. is the second volume in the " Library of Litur g iolo g y and Ecclesiolo g y for En g lish Readers," appearin g under the editorship of......
Daily Lections.
Daily Lections : Some Saints of the Kalendar. By the Rev. J. F. W. Bullock. 3 vols. (Rivin g tons. £1 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Bullock speaks of "the Kalendar" : what does he mean by......
Home Life Under The Stuarts.
Home Life under the Stuarts. By Elizabeth Godfrey. (Grant Richards. 12s. 6d. net.)—This is a volume of which we can say that it is nothing less than deli g htful. Mrs. Godfrey......
Thirty Years In Australia.
Thirty Years in Australia. By Ada Cambrid g e (Mrs. Cross). (Methuen and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mrs. Cross's book is a specially difficult one for a reviewer to deal with. There is much......
The Negro Artisan.
The Negro Artisan : a Social Study. (Atlanta University Press, Geor g ia.)—This pamphlet of some hundred and ninety pages substantially g ives the proceedin g s of the seventh......
America At Work.
America at Work. By John Foster Fraser. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Fraser visited the United States last year as the repre- sentative of the Yorkshire Post, with the special......