We welcome an edition of The Pilgrim's Progress published at
Guildford (A. C. Curtis, 5s.) It seems likely that many of the scenes in the book were suggested to Bunyan by the neighbour- hood of that town, for he lived there for a time. Vanity Fair may be the fair that was held in the Shalford Meadows, and the Slough of Despond the swampy ground near by. There is on the Downs near Dorking a house called Doubting Castle, but it does not seem to be known whether the name is earlier than the book. The print and general aspect of the book are good, being neither commonplace nor affected.—While noticing this book we may also mention another production of Mr. Curtis at the Astolat Press,—Songs from the Hesperides : Selections from Herrick (2s.) The print and general get-up of this charming little book are excellent. It is delightful to think that a provincial press can turn out such good work and can select such good literature.