It is stated that the magnates of the Rand have
determined they must have Chinese labour, and that ordinances will soon be adopted authorising the importation of Chinamen under very strict conditions against their settlement. We sincerely trust that this news is untrue, and that the Government of the Colony as long as it is a Crown Colony will absolutely refuse to allow the importation of Chinamen. When self. government has been established on a free and popular heals, and all white men have the vote, the Colonial Government must of course have the right to reject or to receive Asiatic labour, but till the Colony can choose freely for itself the importation of Chinese laboure should be strictly forbidden. ls
The Mother-country stands in the position of a trustee, and she must not prejudice the decision of the Transvaal electors on this vital point. If they with their eyes open determine that it shall not be a. white man's country, but a yellow man's, well and good, but the Imperial Government must certainly not be made the instrument of so doubtful a policy.