[To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR.') SIR,—At the time when you, amongst others, were doing so much to encourage the formation of civilian rifle clubs throughout the kingdom, you will recollect that the opinion was freely advanced by certain rifle experts that " miniature " rifle-shooting was merely " playing " at shooting, fit only for children, &c. ; in short, that the experience thus gained was of no value to teach men to use the full Service ammunition at a full range. I had some doubts on the subject myself to start with, but have found out that they were by no means borne out by actual experience. Our club is almost wholly com- posed of working men, the majority of whom six months ago had never had a rifle in their hands, and yet after consider. able practice with miniature ammunition (Morris-tube in Service rifles) we have been able to win a match against trained Volunteers on their own range with Service ammuni- tion at two hundred and five hundred yards. Some of the team had never fired a Service cartridge in their lives until they commenced the match. This is, of course, not conclusive evidence, but it is distinctly encouraging, and I shall be glad to know if other miniature clubs have had the same expert.
Arkley Croft, Bernet. Hon. Sec., Arkley Rifle Club.