Walking In The Light. Selected And Arranged For Every Day
in the Year by J. C. Wright. (T. Nelson and Sons. Is. 6d.)— We should have liked to see a little more variety in the selection. Surely, with all the literature of Christianity......
With Napoleon At St. Helena. Translated From The French Of
Paul Fremeaux by Edith M. Stokoe. (John Lane. 5s.)—We do not intend to examine this book in detail ; this would, we think, be an unprofitable task. It is a narrative founded......
A Treatise On The Birds Of Gloucestershire. By W. L.
Mellersh. (J. Bellows, Gloucester. 5s. net.)—It needs an expert to appre- ciate the work of which Mr. Mellersh gives an exposition in this volume. But the brief preface appeals......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notize rich nooks of the week as hone not bees reserred for review in other forinz.] Memories of the Life of General F. T. Haig. By his Wife, (Marshall......
The Scotch-irish.
The Scotch - Irish ; or, The Scotch in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America. By Charles A. Hanna. 2 vols. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 42s.)—It is much to be regretted that......
The Roman Catholic Church From Within.
The Catholic Church from Within. With Preface by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. (Longmans and Co. 6s 6d )—Many who are not Roman Catholics, and have no intention of......
Cowley's Verse.
Poems Selected from the Writings of Mr. Abraham Cowley. (A. C. Curtis, Guildford. 5s. net.)—This is a pretty little volume, and does credit to the Press from which it issues.......