Italian Life In Town And Country. By L. Villari. (g.
Newnes. 3s. 6d. net.)—Madame Villari gives in this highly interesting little volume abundant proof of powers of keen observation and vigorous expression. Both she exercises with......
New Editions.—the Highlanders Of Scotland. By The Late...
Skene, LL.D. Edited, with Excursus and Notes, by Alexander MacBain, LL.D. (Eneas Mackay, Stirling. 10s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Skene published this book in his youth (in 1836, when he......
The A B C Of Swimming. By An Ex-club Captain.
(Henry J. Drane. 1s.)—This is a very handy little volume, giving directions plainly and briefly, with rules for dealire.T with the apparently drowned, all put together into a......
Thoroughbreds And Their Grass Land. By The Rev. E. Adrian
Woodruffe-Peacock. (Goulding and Son, Louth. 2s.)—One of the main points in the author's pamphlet is that land is easily over-stocked with horses. The pasture becomes stale, and......
Pearson's Humorous Reader And Reciter. (c. Arthur...
is a remarkably good selection. Of course the familiar pieces, " Bardell v. Pickwick," "The Little Vulgar Boy," "Bob Sawyer's Party," "The Jackdaw of Rheims," &c., are hero. But......
'a New Volume Of "the Golden Treasury Series" Is Essays
of Richard Steele, selected and edited by L. E. Steele, M.A. (Mac- millan and Co., 2s. 6d. net). We quite appreciate the pietas gentilis, so to speak, which has inspired the......
Villa Gardens. By W. S. Rogers. (grant Richards. 2s. 6d.)
_This is likely to be a useful volume ; it appeals to a large class, for villas are without number, and mostly have a bit of ground worth cultivating, while their occupiers are......
We Have Received Proceedings Of The Anglo - Russian...
34 (Printed for the Society). It certainly contains much that is interesting, and probably new, to most English readers. There is a paper on " Russian Art," a long notice of......