THE CHILDREN OF THE PALE. [Selig Brodetski. the eon of a Spitolfields Jew pedlar (who never went to school, and was provoked to emigrate by Russian restrictions on his trAdo),......
Romanes And Dr. Flint's " Theism."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your notice in the Spectator of September• 20th of the new edition of Professor Flint's well-known book brought up a point on which Dr.......
The Eve Of Christianity.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIB, —In the course of your review of "The Eve of Christianity" in the Spectator of September 6th there is a statement to the effect that " it......
Hodge And History.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Would you allow a remark about one paragraph in your highly interesting article on "Hodge and History" in the Spectator of September......
Rifle Clubs.
[To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR.') SIR,—At the time when you, amongst others, were doing so much to encourage the formation of civilian rifle clubs throughout the kingdom, you......