The friends of the Jews in Roumania have published a
list of the recent laws which have stirred the American Govern- ment to the diplomatic Note which we gave last week, and which we have discussed elsewhere in this issue. We cannot give the full list for reasons of space, but here is a short sample:- 1864.—Law debarring Jews entering corporation of lawyers. 1866.—Constitution snaking all Jews aliens by clause 7.
April 6th, 1881.—Law giving police rights of domiciliary visita- tion and expulsion.
March 17th, 1884.—Law prohibiting hawking (ruined 5,000 Jewish families).
February 28th, 1887.—Law confirming previous Ministerial circulars excluding Jews from the tobacco trade, from the public service and publics works, and penalising Roumanians employing Jews in retail trade.
February 6th, 1889.—Law prohibiting Jews from being em- ployed in important posts on railway works.
March 28th, 1889.—Law limiting Jewish working men to forty per cent. of those employed in private railway works.
January 14th, 1893.—Law prohibiting Jews from being em- ployed in any manner whatsoever in the public sanitary service and health department.
June 6th, 1896.—Law limiting free education to Roumanians.
March 23rd, 1898.—Law excluding Jews from secondary and upper schools.
March 31st, 1899.—Law excluding Jews from agricultural and professional schools.
December, 1901.—Law prohibiting Jews keeping public-houses, beer-houses, grocery stores, coffee-houses, bakers' shops, &c., in the rural districts.
March, 1902.—Law prohibiting employment of Jewish working men in any trade or calling.
Article 4.—Foreigners (by which term Jews are implied) desiring to exercise a trade or handicraft must prove that similar rights are granted to Roumanians in their (the foreigners) country.
The last of these laws is, we fancy, the only law of persecu- tion ever worded by a master of irony. It is like a law prohibiting any Hindoo from working who is not white.