History of Modern Philosophy in Prance. By Lucien Lovy - BruhL With
Portraits. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co. 12s.) —We welcome Miss Coblence's translation of M. L6vy.Bruhl's popular history of French philosophy, for, to the best of our knowledge, no work of the same nature exists in our language. It is popular in its style, a history of philosophers rather than philosophies, but its summaries are clear, and it includes every thinker of note from Descartes to Taine. Its comprehensiveness is indeed a commen- tary on the nature of French speculation. A German would deny the name of philosopher to Bayle, Montesquieu, Voltaire, most of the Encyclopedists, and, possibly, Henan ; but they all typify phases in French thought, and M. 1.6vy-Bruhl is prepared to classify them. This popular appeal is characteristic of all the most famous French philosophies, a mixed mode of thought, which had not the pure speculative ardour, but was prone to point a moral. The author has done justice to this very human aspect ; but he is equally good in his treatment of philosophers pure and simple, like Descartes, Malebranche, Cousin, and Taine in his early years. The book is illustrated with twenty-three excellent portraits.