The Emperor And Empress Of Russia Have Been Visiting Moscow
to pray in the ancient churches. The Czar appears to have been greatly moved by his religious exercises, and on Easter Day published a letter which be had addressed to the Grand......
We Have Dealt Elsewhere At Length With The German Emperor's
message to the Daily Express, the new halfpenny London morning newspaper—a paper which, we may add, seems full of promise—and we will only say here that the message is in no......
We Regret To Record The Death Of The Duke Of
Argyll, who died at Inverary on Tuesday in the seventy-eighth year of his age. He had been nearly sixty years in public life, and for forty-eight of them was regarded as of......
M. Maine, Conservative Republican And Protectionist,...
furious speech at Remiremont, in which he attacked the Waldeck-Roneseau Cabinet for having no policy except hostility to the Army and friendship for the advocates of Dreyfus. He......
The Two Grand Characteristics Of The Duke Of Argyll Which
made him a personage as well as a great person were independence and definiteness of thought. He always made up his own mind separately, collected his own facts, and when once......
The Quarrel Between The United States And Turkey As To
the indemnity promised for outrages to American missionaries is by no means settled yet. The Sultan cannot bear to pay the i:20,000, and denies that he promised it ; but he did,......
The Accounts Of The Indian Famine Are Still...
only have the numbers in receipt of relief risen to the unprecedented figure of five million three hundred thousand, but the fiction that the relief prevents actual death from......
The Discussion Upon The German Navy Bill Was Resumed In
the Budget Committee on Wednesday, and it is evident that the rural electors have sharply warned their repre- sentatives that they dislike the proposal. Member after Member rose......