The Page.---this Brown-paper Covered Magazine, Published...
the matter of that, written and illustrated) by Gordon Craig, at the sign of the Rose, Hackbridge, Surrey, is, as might be expected, an affected but rather clever production.......
Gilles De Retz.
Blue Beard: a Contribution to History and Folklore. By T. Wilson, LL.D. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 7s. 6d.)—Gilles de Retz, whose shameful career is sketched in Mr. Wilson's Blue......
The Art Teaching Of John Ruskin. By W. G. Collingwood.
(Rivingtons; 3s. 6d.)—Those who are interested in Mr. Ruskin's views—and those who disagree cannot help being interested— will be glad of this handbook, which is a cheaper issue......
And England Naturally Take Up The Larger Part Of The
book. Each notice is prefaced with an illustration of the work of the painter treated of. These notices, without being deep pieces of criticism, are reasonable and sound,......
Princess Mary Of Teck.
A Memoir of Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Adelaide of Teck : based on her Private Diaries and Letters. By C. Kinloch Cooke, BA., LL.M. 2 vole., with Portraits and......
Some Woodcuts Of Men Of Letters Of The Nineteenth Century.
By R. Bryden. (J. M. Dent. 21s.)—Had these pictures been smaller they had been better. Their very large size and uncouth work- manship give them rather a forbidding air. Ibsen......
Some Hints On Pattern-designing. By William Morris....
Co. 2s. 6d.)—This is a reprint of a lecture delivered in 1381 at the Working Men's College. It should be carefully read by people who work in patterns, and even what is called......
Springtime. (constable And Co. 5s.)—this Is A Small...
children's songs, with illustrations by L. Leslie Brooke, and music by Arthur SomervelL The drawings are bright and sunny as befits the subject and essentially English. The......
A Book Of Birds. By Carton Moore Park. (blackie And
Son. 5s.)—The drawings show great appreciation of the decorative value of spaces of black and white, and also of the characteristic forms of birds. It is an attractive book with......
British Contemporary Artists. By Cosmo Monkhouse. (w....
contains seven articles reprinted from Scribner's Magazine, with illustrations. Watts, Millais, Leighton, Orchardson, Alma-Tadema, and Poynter are the sub- jects of these sober......
Mounting And Framing Pictures. By Paul N. Hasluck....
Co. ls.)—There are clear directions in this little book for making plain-wood, down to plush and other " art" frames, as well as for mounting and stretching pictures.— Smith's......