Of The "books On Egypt And Chaldaea" (kagan Paul, Trench.
and Co., 3s. 6d. net), the third volume is Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D. Dr. Wallis Budge is an expert in all Egyptian matters, and this......
The Boman History Of Appian Of Alexandria. Translated By...
White, LL.D. 2 vols. (Bell and Sons. 12s.)—Probably few readers of Roman history know how much they owe to Appian. He is, for instance, the sole authority for the narrative of......
Bismarck And The Foundation Of The German Empire. By James
Wycliffe Headlam. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 5s.)—Mr. Headlam admires but does not worship his hero. His estimate, indeed, seems to us singularly judicious and candid. It may seem......
History Of Modern Philosophy In Prance. By Lucien Lovy -...
Portraits. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co. 12s.) —We welcome Miss Coblence's translation of M. L6vy.Bruhl's popular history of French philosophy, for, to the best of our knowledge,......
The Letters Of Cicero. Translated Into English By Evelyn S.
Shuckburgh, M.A. Vols. I. and II. (G. Bell and Sons. 10s.)— Mr. Shuckburgh has given us here an instalment of a most serviceable work. The time for a new translation of the "......
A New Ride To Shiva. By Robert L. Jefferson. (methuen
and Co. 6s.)—Many people declared that it was impossible to ride a bicycle to Khiva. That, Mr. Jefferson tells us, was "the real reason " why he went. As a matter of fact the......
Boy Life On The Prairie. By Hamlin Garland. (macmillan And
Co. 6s.)—Mr. Garland has known and loved the prairie in his younger days; this is evident from the close observation of the bird life and the games and holidays which formed so......
The Story of the Nations: Canada. By J. G. Bourinot, C.M.G. (T. Fisher Unwin. 5s.) — One of the most interesting chapters of nineteenth - century history is that of the......