28 APRIL 1900, Page 17

The Times correspondent in New York reports that the Republican

State Convention at Massachusetts has adopted resolutions similar to those of the five States previously reported, urging the re-election of Mr. McKinley as President and the retention of the Philippines. This is most important, as in Massachusetts, if anywhere, was a victory for the anti- Imperialists to be expected. The action of the Convention, adds the Times correspondent, is decisive. "No State can now be named in which the Republican party is likely to hesitate to support Mr. McKinley or his policy." Mr.

McKinley has, we believe, the confidence of the country, and he deserves it, for in spite of a cautiousness so extreme that onlookers sometimes mistake it for timidity, he is a sound and prudent ruler,—a trustee in whose hands the nation's in- terests are safe.