28 APRIL 1900, Page 28


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Though you have stopped correspondence on this sub- ject, I shall be glad if you will allow me to correct an im- portant misstatement of fact in Miss Boncherett's letter of April 14th. She is absolutely mistaken in saying that the Industrial Committee of the Women Workers have arrived at the conclusion that women's wages are falling. As con- vener of that Committee I can say that they have not arrived at that conclusion, and have made no special report on the subject, nor published anything in the Contemporary Review. The only article which touches upon women's wages in the Contemporary Review within the last three years is one upon a report on home industries published by the Women's Industrial Council. This Council found that in some home industries wages were falling. These trades are not touched by "paternal legislation," but, as the result of their inquiries, the Women's Industrial Council is demanding that they should be; so that this argument tells in exactly a contrary way from that in which Miss Boncherett uses it,—I am, Sir, &c., MARGARET E. MACDONALD, Convener of the Industrial Committee of the National Union of Women Workers. 8 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.