28 APRIL 1900, Page 28


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Six,—With reference to your interesting article on the cuckoo, published in the Spectator of April 21st, the writer of the article seems to suggest that the cuckoo has the power of imitating the colouring of the eggs of the future foster- parents. Is it not much more probable that the cuckoo, after laying the egg, selects the nest which contains eggs most nearly resembling its own? I have more than once found the egg of a cuckoo, perfect, and placed carefully in a soft and sheltered spot. On one occasion I marked the spot, and returned later. The egg was gone. After a careful hunt I found a sparrow's neat with a cuckoo's egg in it, about fifty yards from the mark. The difference of colour in thrashes' eggs in the same nest is often marvellous ; and in their case I believe it depends largely on the age of the bird, and the number laid previously ; it may be the same with the cuckoo. Pheasants are another example of this diversity of colour. An old forester in Bedfordshire told me once he had several times doubted the possibility of a nest full of eggs all being genuine, " till they was hatched, then they was all right."—I am, Sir, &c., G. STITA.RT. .nwern, Chandlers Ford, Hants.