28 APRIL 1900, Page 8

Carlo Crivelli. By G. McNeil Rusbforth. " Great Masters Series."

(G. Bell and Sons. 5s.)—About this painter's life nothing is known, so here was an opportunity for a real inquiry into his art. But the reader who expects to find such an inquiry in this book will be disappointed. Not that there is much to find fault with ; it is rather that the author seems not to have the know- ledge of form, colour, composition, and other technical matters which a writer on painting should possess. The following sentence, written by a painter, sums up our attitude towards this class of book, of which there are too many :—" The critic so often thinks only of the Man and his subject, and imagines the man just puts his subject inside the frame, and there it is ! He knows nothing of `the putting,' which is the gist of the whole business."