28 APRIL 1900, Page 8

Rembrandt. By Malcolm Bell. (G. Bell and Sons. 25s.)—The author

has separated into two distinct portions his accounts of the man and of the artist ; a wise arrangement well carried out. The story of Rembrandt's life is well told, and the arguments idvanced in support of the painter's second marriage having taken place are skilfully brought out, and appear convincing. The part of the book dealing with the pictures is not so much a study of the art of Rembrandt as a detailed catalogue of paintings, the etchings being treated separately. The schedule of pictures arranged under the heads of the countries in which they are to be found, together with a list of etchings, are a valuable addition to this well-illustrated volume.

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has published a really fine Illustrated Gospels. There are over seven hundred illustrations, all reproduced in the finest style of process work, from the great Italian, Flemish, German, and French masters of the past. Many of the illustrations are 8 in. by 10 in., and so are capable of giving a real representation of the original. We can only wish that the old German pictures of the Passion had not been so largely drawn upon, as they are too ghastly. The pictures chiefly given are those that are already very familiar, but many out-of the•way things are here, for which we are grateful. There are included some interesting notes on the development of religious art, by M. Mintz.