The Times' correspondent at Maritzburg warns his countrymen that the
garrison in Natal must be strengthened. There are 350,000 Caffres to 17,000 whites, and the Caffres are settled in their "locations," while the whites are scattered. It is neces- sary to commence the civilisation of the tribes by placing magis- trates over them, and as- this will lead to the diminution of the Chiefs' power, war may break out at any moment. The half- regiment of infantry, therefore, should be increased to a regi- ment, and supplemented by some batteries of mountain guns. The taxes paid by the natives, we may add, must be increased, if the people are to be induced to cultivate, and altogether the outlook is net without its difficulties. United South Africa ought, how- ev'er, to to be able to support a moderate but movable force, and we do not see why it should be impossible to employ Kaffir auxiliaries, or to grant locations to Kaffirs, upon condition of their supplying a certain number of lads to be disciplined and employed as police on low pay. The Langalibalele affair showed that the tribes are still unprepared to meet troops in the field, the secret of that disastrous business having been fear of the white volunteers.