Air As Fuel. By Owen C. D., Ross. (spon.)-41r. Bess
has belled himself with the inquiry into possible substitutes for coal. His capti- vating title is a not very clear way of setting forth one at least of the results at which he......
New Bibles And Prayer-books. (oxford University Press, 7...
Row.)—The Oxford University Press send us specimens of some new bindings and mountings for Bibles and Prayer-books. One is a typographical curiosity, the smallest Bible ever......
The History Of The Jews. Edited By Alex. Murray. (virtue,
Spald- ing, and Daldy.)—Mr. Murray here prints in separate divisions the "Antiquities" of Josephus, the Bib to narrative, and " a condensed out- line of Jewish history, taken......
Gentleman Verschoyle. By Laura M. Lane. 3 Vols. (sampson Low
and Co).—Miss Lane, whose first venture in novel-writing we take this to be, has given us here a book of some promise. Its chief fault we take to be a want of unity of interest.......