New Bibles and Prayer-books. (Oxford University Press, 7 Pater- noster
Row.)—The Oxford University Press send us specimens of some new bindings and mountings for Bibles and Prayer-books. One is a typographical curiosity, the smallest Bible ever produced. It is smaller than an ordinary small Prayer-book, only half an inch thick, and weighs only three and a half ounces. It is printed on India paper of extreme toughness, and though, of course, the print taxes the eyes, it can be read easily enough. We do not quite see the use of such small editions, but still a Bible that can bo carried in a waistcoat-pocket or sent through the post for a penny, is a curiosity of the binder's as well as the printer's art. Another is a Prayer-book, which can be hung to a lady's belt ; and a third, a very clearly printed Bible, bound in limp morocco, yet furnished with clasps and a chain, which when the clasps are shut acts as a handle. The Bible can be carried like a little reticule. What advantage there is in that we do not know ; but a limp binding which can be clasped is useful, and this one is wonderfully neat and convenient.